Alkali attack of coal gasifier refractory linings
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Thermodynamic calculations are used to study the alkali reactions in coal gasifier atmospheres. The reactive alkali and sulfur species released from coal are first calculated at temperatures from 800 K to 1900 K and pressures from 1 atm to 100 atm. Four P-T diagrams are constructed for the stable alkali and/or alkali-sulfur species at differ-ent temperatures and pressures. Alkali vapors are generated by the reactions
Na₂CO₃(s) + 2C(s) = 2Na(g) + 3CO(g)
Na₂CO₃(s) + H₂O(g) + C(s) = 2NaOH(g) + 2CO(g)
K₂CO₃(s) + 2C(s) = 2K(g) + 3CO(g)
K₂CO₃(s) + H₂O(g) + C(s) = 2KOH(g) + 2CO(g)
The phases formed from alkali-cement, and alkali-sulfur-cement reaction are also predicted. For both 53% and 72% alumina cement, calcium aluminate (CaO•Al₂O₃) is decomposed by the reactions
CaO•Al₂O₃ + 2Na + 1/20₂ = Na₂O•Al₂O₃ + CaO
CaO•Al₂O₃ + 2K + 1/20₂ = K₂O•Al₂O₃ + CaO
CaO•Al₂O₃ + 2Na + l/2S₂ = Na₂0•Al₂O₃ + CaS
CaO•Al₂O₃ + 2K + 1/2S₂ = K₂•Al₂O₃ + CaS