Design and Integration of a Novel Robotic Leg Mechanism for Dynamic Locomotion at High-Speeds

dc.contributor.authorKamidi, Vinaykarthik Reddyen
dc.contributor.committeechairBen-Tzvi, Pinhasen
dc.contributor.committeememberLeonessa, Alexanderen
dc.contributor.committeememberFurukawa, Tomonarien
dc.contributor.departmentMechanical Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractExisting state-of-the-art legged robots often require complex mechanisms with multi-level controllers and computationally expensive algorithms. Part of this is owed to the multiple degrees of freedom (DOFs) these intricate mechanisms possess and the other is a result of the complex nature of dynamic legged locomotion. The underlying dynamics of this class of non-linear systems must be addressed in order to develop systems that perform natural human/animal-like locomotion. However, there are no stringent rules for the number of DOFs in a system; this is merely a matter of the locomotion requirements of the system. In general, most systems designed for dynamic locomotion consist of multiple actuators per leg to address the balance and locomotion tasks simultaneously. In contrast, this research hypothesizes the decoupling of locomotion and balance by omitting the DOFs whose primary purpose is dynamic disturbance rejection to enable a far simplified mechanical design for the legged system. This thesis presents a novel single DOF mechanism that is topologically arranged to execute a trajectory conducive to dynamic locomotive gaits. To simplify the problem of dynamic balancing, the mechanism is designed to be utilized in a quadrupedal platform in the future. The preliminary design, based upon heuristic link lengths, is presented and subjected to kinematic analysis to evaluate the resulting trajectory. To improve the result and to analyze the effect of key link lengths, sensitivity analysis is then performed. Further, a reference trajectory is established and a parametric optimization over the design space is performed to drive the system to an optimal configuration. The evolved design is identified as the Bio-Inspired One-DOF Leg for Trotting (BOLT). The dynamics of this closed kinematic chain mechanism is then simplified, resulting in a minimal order state space representation. A prototype of the robotic leg was integrated and mounted on a treadmill rig to perform various experiments. Finally, open loop running is implemented on the integrated prototype demonstrating the locomotive performance of BOLT.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralExisting state-of-the-art legged robots often require complex mechanisms with multi-level controllers and computationally expensive algorithms. Part of this is owed to the multiple degrees of freedom (DOFs) these intricate mechanisms possess and the other is a result of the complex nature of dynamic legged locomotion. The underlying dynamics of this class of non-linear systems must be addressed in order to develop systems that perform natural human/animal-like locomotion. However, the number of active DOF is merely a designers choice. To simplify the problem at both levels: design and controls of dynamic locomotion, we developed a novel mechanism that incorporates the benefits of higher DOF legs while accommodating the simplicity of single DOF leg. The preliminary design of the mechanism was designed with parameters (lengths of the femur,tibia) that were directly derived from a domestic dog. Synthesis of the mechanism suggested that the design was not suitable for an intended running-trot gait observed in biological counterparts. However, to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism, it was necessary to perform a sensitivity analysis, as a result we arrived at a mechanism whose performance was better than the initial but still not satisfactory.With the insight gained through the analysis and an ideal gait design exercise, then an optimization on the design space was performed with carefully tuned bounds. The final result is a novel mechanism identified as Biologically inspired One DOF Leg for Trotting (BOLT) that is topologically arranged to execute a running-trot gait. Finally, the design choice presented with a challenge that has not been actively addressed. The dynamics of the mechanism can not be modeled using traditional methods due to presence of constraints that characterize the closed loops of the mechanism. We present an adaption of the Singularly perturbed dynamic model for systems that are hybrid in nature. The resulting dynamics are simplified, resulting in a minimal order state space representation, which is more amenable to model based control development in future. A prototype of the robotic leg was integrated and mounted on a treadmill rig to perform various experiments.Finally, open loop running is implemented on the integrated prototype demonstrating the locomotive performance of BOLT.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectLegged Locomotionen
dc.subjectMechanism and Designen
dc.titleDesign and Integration of a Novel Robotic Leg Mechanism for Dynamic Locomotion at High-Speedsen
dc.typeThesisen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen


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