Monitoring Wind and Particle Concentrations Near Freshwater and Marine Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a threat to aquatic ecosystems worldwide. New information is needed about the environmental conditions associated with the aerosolization and transport of HAB cells and their associated toxins. This information is critical to help inform our understanding of potential exposures. We used a ground-based sensor package to monitor weather, measure airborne particles, and collect air samples on the shore of a freshwater HAB (bloom of predominantly Rhaphidiopsis, Lake Anna, Virginia) and a marine HAB (bloom of Karenia brevis, Gulf Coast, Florida). Each sensor package contained a sonic anemometer, impinger, and optical particle counter. A drone was used to measure vertical profiles of windspeed and wind direction at the shore and above the freshwater HAB. At the Florida sites, airborne particle number concentrations (cm−3) increased throughout the day and the wind direction (offshore versus onshore) was strongly associated with these particle number concentrations (cm−3). Offshore wind sources had particle number concentrations (cm−3) 3 to 4 times higher than those of onshore wind sources. A predictive model, trained on a random set of weather and particle number concentrations (cm−3) collected over the same time period, was able to predict airborne particle number concentrations (cm−3) with an R squared value of 0.581 for the freshwater HAB in Virginia and an R squared value of 0.804 for the marine HAB in Florida. The drone-based vertical profiles of the wind velocity showed differences in wind speed and direction at different altitudes, highlighting the need for wind measurements at multiple heights to capture environmental conditions driving the atmospheric transport of aerosolized HAB toxins. A surface flux equation was used to determine the rate of aerosol production at the beach sites based on the measured particle number concentrations (cm−3) and weather conditions. Additional work is needed to better understand the short-term fate and transport of aerosolized cyanobacterial cells and toxins and how this is influenced by local weather conditions.