Cloud Digital Repository Automation


The Cloud Digital Repository Automation project uses AWS services to create a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline for the Fedora4 digital repository system. We have documented our process, services, and resources used so that the pipeline can be modified and expanded upon further.

This project is for our course CS4624: Multimedia, Hypertext, and Information Access. We create an automated deployment pipeline using AWS resources. The overall purpose of this project is to automate some of the more mundane yet essential aspects of building and deploying a codebase. Taking source code from a repository and updating based on the recent changes can be a hassle as well as manually time consuming. This process of updating and bug fixing source code is not a new concept but can be made easier if some, if not all, of the building, testing, and deploying is done automatically. This project aims to help the Fedora4 development team by providing a baseline pipeline configuration that can handle updates to source code, and subsequently build, test, and deploy the new updates and changes.

Our project sets up an AWS pipeline that handles automatic deployment to a staging server in the cloud for Fedora4.  We based our implementation of the pipeline to what was available for our access and made sure not to interfere with any existing Fedora4 code or resources.  We used Amazon services such as CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and Elastic Beanstalk to create and format our automation process.  Understanding and utilizing cloud automation is essential to future careers as software developers, and this project aids us to understand AWS in that role, with a focus on automated CI/CD.



Automated Pipeline, Amazon Pipeline, Deployment, Fedora 4, CodePipeline, CodeBuild
