Basera Haven: Orphanage for the Less Fortunate

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Virginia Tech


The project aims to establish a premier institution of primary education in Pakistan with the primary focus of reintegrating orphans into society. Currently, approximately 20 million children are out of schools in Pakistan and 4 million of those are orphans. Basera, an Urdu term for Haven will be an institution of international standards comprised of all North American teachers. The institution is envisioned to be self sufficient with no need of charity donations by operating at a 60-40 division of general public to resident orphan pupils.

The campus boasts state of the art teaching facilities as well as a full fledge sports complex and an indoor swimming pool. Faculty and 40% of the student population lives on campus with a beautiful flower farm and a rainwater harvested lake. The architecture is very contemporary in its design, however the primary building material is rammed earth grounding the entire scheme into its vernacular setting. Basera also enriches the lives of the immediate community surrounding the campus by providing a cricket stadium and community center for public use.




