Gendered dimensions of Conservation Agriculture in Northwestern Cambodia
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This research investigates gender-based constraints and opportunities to the dissemination of conservation agriculture based on a case study with smallholder farmers in the village of Pichangva, Rattanakmondol, Battambang Province, Royal Kingdom of Cambodia. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, including focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews, household surveys, and participatory mapping, we explore the effect of conservation agriculture on men's and women's allocation of labor, gendered power relations in intra-household negotiations, and access to resources and information. I found that conservation agriculture has the potential to decrease men's and women's workload and drudgery in cash crop production and generates opportunities for other work; however, this may contribute to an increase in women's "triple workload" as they invest part of this "extra time" in additional domestic and community responsibilities. I also found that gender intersects with other factors to limit men's and women's access to and control over resources, access to information, and participation in household negotiations. These findings could have implications on smallholder farmers' decision to experiment with conservation agriculture.