Methane Emission Monitoring of Appalachian Compressor Station

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Virginia Tech


A single compressor station site along a gathering line network was monitored for fugitive methane emissions to quantify long-term emissions in Appalachia Virginia. Continuous monitoring was conducted from January 2021 to April 2021. The compressor station undergoing monitoring operated two CAT3516 Tale and one CAT3516 B engines operating at 80% of max output flow. Data presented on methane emissions during this period was gathered with an eddy covariance monitoring station. This station was equipped with an LI-7700 methane analyzer, LI-7500A - CO_2/H_2 O analyzer as well as a sonic anemometer these sensors could be observed remotely through cellular connection. The data is represented in flux output ((µmol)/(s m^2 )) as well as kg CO_2 equivalence of methane outlined by the EPA greenhouse gas inventory. The average daily emissions for this compressor station are estimated to be 136 kg CO_2 equivalent emissions. This study shows that the site during the observational period the compressor station emitted on average are estimated to be 5.43 kg of CH_4 per day.



Natural Gas, Methane, pipeline, Eddy Covariance

