Fade slope measurements and modeling in the Ku- and Ka-bands using the Olympus satellite
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The Satellite Communications Group (SatComm Group) at Virginia Tech conducted a propagation research experiment with the intent of analyzing the effects of signal propagation in the Ku- and Ka-bands. 12, 20, and 30 GHz beacons were transmitted from the Olympus satellite and received at earth stations located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Data were collected from August 1990 through August 1992. One year of useable data were extracted from the measurements for analysis. The useable data set included January through May 1991, September through December 1991, and June through August 1992.
This thesis presents fade slope statistics that were generated from the one year data that were obtained during the Olympus experiment. A background on fade slope is presented and includes a theoretically derived expression for fade slope, a comparison of fade slope calculation techniques, and a discussion of previous propagation experiments that yielded fade slope results. The Olympus experiment measurement techniques are discussed and the fade slope calculation method used with the Olympus data is presented. Fade slope statistical results are discussed and the development of an empirical model derived from the Olympus fade slope statistics is detailed. The empirical model predicts fade slope occurrence as a function of fade slope for any frequency between 12 and 30 GHz.