Design and Development of Force Control and Automation System for the VT-FRA Roller Rig
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This study discusses the design of a force control strategy for reducing force disturbances in the Virginia Tech – Federal Railroad Administration (VT-FRA) Roller Rig. The VT-FRA Roller Rig is a state-of-the-art roller Rig for studying contact mechanics. It consists of a 0.2m diameter wheel and a 1m diameter roller in vertical configuration, which replicates the wheel-rail contact in a 1/4th scale. The Rig has two 19.4 kW servo motors for powering the rotational bodies and six heavy-duty servo linear actuators that control other boundary conditions.
The Rig was operationalized successfully with all degrees of freedom working in the default position feedback control. During the Rig's commissioning, this approach was found to result in vertical force fluctuations that are larger than desired. Since the vertical force affects the longitudinal and lateral traction between the wheel and roller, keeping the fluctuations to a minimum provides a better test condition. Testing and data analysis revealed the issue to be in the control method. The relative position of the wheel and roller was being controlled instead of controlling the forces between them. The latter is a far more challenging control setup because it requires a faster dynamic response and full knowledge of forces at the interface. Additionally, force control could result in dynamic instability more readily than position control.
Multiple methods for force control are explored and documented. The most satisfactory solution is found in a cascaded loop force/position controller. The closed loop system is tested for stability and performance at various load, speed, and creepage conditions. The results indicate that the controller is able to reduce the standard deviation of vertical force fluctuations at the wheel-rail contact by a factor of four. In terms of power of the vertical force fluctuations, this corresponds to a 12 dB reduction with the force control when compared with the previous control method.
This study also explores the possibility of automating the tests in order to enable running a larger number of tests in a shorter period of time. A multi-thread software is developed in C++ for executing a user-defined position, velocity, or force vs. time trajectory, and for recording the data automatically. The software also provides continuous monitoring, and performs a safe shutdown if a fault is detected. An intuitive GUI is provided for constant data polling and ease of user operation. The code is modular in order to accommodate future modifications and additions for various testing needs.
The engineering upgrades included in this study, together with the baseline testing, complete the commissioning of the VT-FRA Roller Rig. With unparalleled parameter control and testing repeatability, the VT-FRA Roller Rig holds the promise of being used successfully for various contact mechanics needs that may arise in the railroad industry.