The Effects of Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellation Altitude and Inclination on Simulated Non-Terrestrial Network Performance
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Through the history of satellite communications, non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) have varied in scale and architecture. Satellite orbital elements have been a key feature of the ongoing development and design of modern constellations. Orbital altitude and inclination have impacted the types of service and extent of ground coverage each network can provide. The large scale of low Earth orbit (LEO) mega-constellations has allowed them to provide reliable internet access to a variety of communities and landscapes. When compared to their higher altitude counterparts, the high velocity of low-altitude satellites adds a layer of complexity to each system's network topology. The development of simulation-based testbeds has allowed for further analysis of these complexities. In the study, three LEO mega-constellations were designed, varying in altitude and inclination. The three constellations were simulated using a space network testbed and network latency measurements were taken using Mininet. Of the three constellations, the design most closely resembling existing NTNs with a lower altitude and moderate inclination was found to be the most efficient in terms of network performance. However, the other two designs still provided some unique advantages, which are discussed.