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Bioinspired Tracking Control of High Speed Nonholonomic Ground Vehicles

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The behavior of nature’s predators is considered for designing a high speed tracking controller for nonholonomic vehicles, whose dynamicsare represented using a unicycle model. To ensure that the vehicle behaves intuitively and mimics the biologically inspiredpredator-prey interaction, saturation constraints based on Ackermann steering kinematics are added. A new strategy for mapping commandsback into a viable envelope is introduced, and the restrictions are accounted for using Lyapunov stability criteria. Followingverification of the saturation constraints, the proposed algorithm was implemented on a testing platform. Stable trajectories of up to 9 m/swere achieved. The results presented show that the algorithm demonstrates significant promise in high speed trajectory tracking withobstacle avoidance.




Adam Shoemaker and Alexander Leonessa, “Bioinspired Tracking Control of High Speed Nonholonomic Ground Vehicles,” Journal of Robotics, vol. 2015, Article ID 919073, 15 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/919073