The cost of terminating parallel discrete-event simulations

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Virginia Tech


Simulation models use many different rules to decide when to terminate. Parallel simulations generally use a single, simple rule: each process comprising the simulation terminates after a predefined period of time. A number of parallel simulation protocols have been proposed that enforce constraints on the order in which processes are scheduled in parallel so that the result of a parallel simulation is the same as that of the corresponding sequential simulation. Parallel simulations protocols can be broadly classified into two categories: conservative and optimistic. Conservative protocols can be subclassified into synchronous and asynchronous protocols. In this thesis, our objective is to compare the predicted and measured wall clock running times of parallel simulations for conservative-synchronous and optimistic protocols with and without termination conditions.

We propose eight algorithms for mechanically adding an arbitrary termination condition to a conservative-synchronous non-terminating parallel simulation. Informal arguments about the expected performance of each algorithm are made, and the arguments are confirmed through measurement of the simulation of a torus network with three termination conditions using the conservative-synchronous Bounded Lag protocol on a shared memory multiprocessor. We also propose four algorithms for mechanically adding a termination condition to an optimistic non-terminating parallel simulation. We make informal arguments about the expected performance of these algorithms and report on the actual performance of the simulation of the torus network benchmark with two of these algorithms and the same three termination conditions using the optimistic Time Warp protocol on a message-passing multiprocessor. In addition to the torus network benchmark for the optimistic protocol, we also report on the performance of a colliding pucks simulation with these two algorithms and three additional termination conditions.

Our study indicates that termination conditions which require exhaustive evaluation introduce substantial running time overhead. We propose and evaluate a scheme to reduce this overhead.



