Authoritative Venues


This submission details the progress made on the Authoritative Venues project. The goal of the Authoritative Venues project was to use machine learning algorithms to create a web application that can accurately recommend fitting ACM-related venues for Computer Science researchers trying to publish their work. By providing a ranked output list of publication venues related to a paper’s topic, we help researchers make more informed decisions about where to submit their work for publication. Additionally, we provide insight into the data collection, virtual machine setup, and website hosting process that allowed for this project to be easily accessible by anyone. This project is particularly useful for CS researchers wanting to gain insight into which ACM-related publication venue would best fit their paper. The recommender is hosted at On this website, there are two input fields that researchers can use to provide the title and abstract of their paper. Once this is inputted, researchers can submit this information and receive recommendations specifically catered to their work.



Venue Recommender, Authoritative Venues, Venues, Machine learning, ACM Venues, ACM, Research Paper, Computer Science Research
