Nonlinear Analysis of Multistory Structures Using "NONLIN"


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Virginia Tech


During the months I have been at Virginia Tech, I have experienced the most exciting time of my life. There are many persons who helped me to pursue my Master's degree. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciations to them. I would like to thank my advisor and committee chairman, Dr Finley A. Charney. He has supported me for the entire duration of this project with all of his efforts. Without his assistance, it would have been very difficult for me to learn so many concepts in the field of nonlinear dynamic analysis and practical earthquake engineering. I would also like to acknowledge my other committee members, Dr. Raymond Plaut and Dr. W. Samuel Easterling, for taking the time to review the thesis and providing valuable insights and feedback on this thesis. I would like to thank my father, Chan Kwok Fung, who encouraged me to pursue my Master Degree, and my mother, Yu Yuk Ping, who brought me to life. I would like to thank my sister, Doris Chan, and my girlfriend, Ka Man Chan, for supporting and encouraging me during the past two years at Virginia Tech. Finally, I would like to give thanks to the rest of my family, friends, professors, and fellow graduate students for their help and encouragement during my stay at Virginia Tech.



Vertical Accelerations, NONLIN, P-Delta Effects, Nonlinear Analysis, Incremental Dynamic Analysis

