The fluid dynamics of propagating fronts with solutal and thermal coupling


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Cambridge University Press


We numerically explore the propagation of reacting fronts in a shallow and horizontal layer of fluid. We focus on fronts that couple with the fluid due to density differences between the products and reactants and also due to heat release from the reaction. We explore fronts where this solutal and thermal coupling is cooperative or antagonistic. We quantify the fluid motion induced by the front and investigate the interactions of the front with the fluid as it propagates through quiescent, cellular and chaotic flow fields. The solutal coupling induces an extended convection roll that travels with the front, the thermal coupling due to heat release from the reaction generates a pair of convection rolls that travels with the front, and when both couplings are present there is a complex signature of these contributions. The details of the front dynamics depend significantly upon the interactions of the front-induced flow field with the fluid ahead of the front.


