The influence of silvicultural manipulations on plethodontid salamanders

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Virginia Tech


Habitat alteration (i.e. degradation, fragmentation, and destruction) is the primary driver of amphibian decline and extinction. Despite their ecological importance and threatened status, very little long-term research has been conducted on how methods of forest management impact salamanders. In this research, I examine how experimental silviculture impacts plethodontid salamander relative abundance and count, and I compare three different body condition indices. Chapter 1 focuses on plethodontid salamander relative abundance 30 years after experimental treatments (including clearcut and shelterwood harvests, understory herbicide, uneven-aged management, and an untreated control) were first applied. I found that plethodontid salamander populations in all silvicultural treatments without stand re-entry have reached pre-harvest relative abundance levels. Chapter 2 describes how artificial tip-up mounds that could be used to mimic old-growth forest characteristics impact plethodontid salamander count. Salamander count significantly declined in treatment units with artificial tip-up mounds but this could be an artifact of the heavy disturbance required for installation. Chapter 3 compares three different body condition indices for plethodontid salamanders. I found that bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is likely not suitable for use with plethodontid salamanders and mass divided by snout-to-vent-length is likely a superior estimate to tail width divided by snout-to-vent-length. These findings further our understanding of how different forest management practices affect salamander populations and provide guidance for evaluating body condition.



Plethodon cinereus, terrestrial salamander, forestry, timber harvest, body condition, pit and mound topography, tip-up mound

