Toward Efficient Bio-Inspired Propulsion: The Effect of Propulsor Shape and Kinematics on System Performance and Efficiency during Bio-inspired Locomotion

dc.contributor.authorMatta, Alexander Georgeen
dc.contributor.committeechairBayandor, Javiden
dc.contributor.committeechairMueller, Rolfen
dc.contributor.committeememberKurdila, Andrew J.en
dc.contributor.committeememberAbaid, Nicoleen
dc.contributor.committeememberBattaglia, Francineen
dc.contributor.departmentMechanical Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractBoth bird and fish locomotion are thought to be more efficient than the equivalent man-made vehicles driven by propellers/impellers and jet engines. Through studies that decompose the different kinematic and shape effects of these biological systems, we can understand what leads to their high cruising performance and efficiency. Two major studies were conducted. The first was on the effect of different kinematic parameters of large soaring birds on flight performance and the second was on the effect of caudal fin shape on the performance of thunniform swimmers. For the first study on flight performance, flapping, folding, and twist were the wing motions of interest. The second study on swimming performance observed how caudal fin sweep angle affects propulsion while isolating the effect of this shape difference from aspect ratio and area effects. Low order models were primarily used to conduct the bird flight study, though experimental methods were investigated as well. The thunniform swimming study was conducted through experimentation on a biomimetic system. The flight study found that, under the right circumstances, both wing twist and wing folding have a positive effect on flight performance. However, the impact of wing twist is much larger. To incorporate this wing twist into a robotic system, a new reduced order model that partially accounts for 3D effects was developed and validated. In the future, this model can be used in conjunction with a flight controller to control wing twist. The swimming study found that caudal fin sweep had a significant impact on performance, moderately swept fins showing the greatest improvement. Using an overly large sweep angle led to diminished performance when compared to the moderately swept fins, but still demonstrated improved performance over a non-swept fin. The increased performance of the moderately swept fins was due to how it affected LEV formation and stability.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralBird flight and fish swimming are thought to be more efficient than drones and submersible vehicles respectively. By conducting studies on the motion of the wing and the shape of the tail fin, we can gain a better understanding of how to produce efficient vehicles that are inspired by fish/birds. Two major studies were conducted. The first study analyzed the wing motion of birds such as seagulls. The three most important wing motions were analyzed using fast computational simulations. Functional flapping aircraft that can be used in future studies were also constructed. The second study analyzed the tail fin shape of tuna, specifically how the swept shape affects propulsion performance. This study was conducted by operating a robotic tuna with interchangeable tails in a water tunnel. The computational studies on wing motion showed that controlling twist of the wing in addition to typical flapping motion could greatly improve performance of a flapping bird-like aerial vehicle. To incorporate this wing twist into a future system, a mathematical model that provided aerodynamic predictions was developed. This model can be used in conjunction with a controller to provide efficient real time control of the wing twist. The experimental swimming study found that fin sweep had a significant impact on performance. Using a moderately swept fin (25-35 degrees) increases thrust production without increased energy expenditure. Fins with greater sweep angles start to yield diminished performance benefits. Using an elliptical area distribution can also lead to increased performance.en
dc.description.degreePh. D.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectAnimal Locomotionen
dc.subjectLocomotion in Fluidsen
dc.titleToward Efficient Bio-Inspired Propulsion: The Effect of Propulsor Shape and Kinematics on System Performance and Efficiency during Bio-inspired Locomotionen
dc.typeDissertationen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen D.en


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