Dataset for Machine Learning Based Cache Timing Attacks and Mitigation

dc.contributor.authorKalidasan, Vishnu Kumaren
dc.contributor.committeechairXiong, Wenjieen
dc.contributor.committeememberNazhandali, Leylaen
dc.contributor.committeememberMin, Chang Wooen
dc.contributor.departmentElectrical and Computer Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractCache side-channel attacks have evolved alongside increasingly complex microprocessor architectural designs. The attacks and their prevention mechanisms, such as cache partitioning, OS kernel isolation, and various hardware/operating system enhancements, have similarly progressed. Nonetheless, side-channel attacks necessitate effective and efficient prevention mechanisms or alterations to hardware architecture. Recently, machine learning (ML) is an emerging method for detecting and defending such attacks. However, The effectiveness of machine learning relies on the dataset it is trained on. The datasets for training these ML models today are not vast enough to enhance the robustness and consistency of the model performance. This thesis aims to enhance the ML method for exploring various cache side-channel attacks and defenses by offering a more reasonable and potentially realistic dataset to distinguish between the attacker and the victim process. The dataset is gathered through a computer system simulation model, which is subsequently utilized to train both the attacker and detector agents of the model. Different ways to collect datasets using the system simulation are explored. A New Dataset for training and detecting cache side-channel attacks is also explored and methodized. Lastly, the effectiveness of the dataset is studied by training a Flush+Reload attacker and detector model performance.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralImagine a spy trying to steal secret information from a computer by listening to its clicks and whirs. That's kind of what a side-channel attack is. The computer uses a special memory called a cache to speed things up, but attackers can spy on this cache to learn bits and pieces of what the computer is working on. Numerous ways to mitigate such attacks have been proposed, but they were either costly to implement in terms of resources or the performance offset of the computer is large. New types of attacks are also being researched and discovered. More recently, Machine learning (ML) models are used for detecting or defending cache side-channel attacks. Currently the training ground truth or the input dataset for the ML models is not vast enough to enhance the robustness and consistency of the model performance. This thesis project aims to enhance the ML approach for exploring and detecting existing and unknown Cache side-channel attacks by offering a more reasonable and potentially realistic training ground (dataset). The dataset is gathered through a computer system simulation model, which is subsequently utilized to train the ML models. Different ways to collect datasets using the computer system simulation are explored. A New Dataset for training and detecting Cache side-channel attacks is also explored and methodised. Lastly, the effectiveness of the dataset is studied by training a Flush+Reload attacker performance.en
dc.description.degreeMaster of Scienceen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectCache timing-attacken
dc.subjectCache side-channelen
dc.titleDataset for Machine Learning Based Cache Timing Attacks and Mitigationen
dc.typeThesisen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen of Scienceen


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