Estimating Flow Through Rock Weirs
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Rock weirs are small dam-like structures composed of large loose rock commonly found in ecological engineering design. By appearing more natural than concrete structures, rock weirs are preferred for use as hydraulic control structures in river engineering, stormwater management, and constructed wetlands. Rock weirs increase hydraulic head upstream, and facilitate fish passage, channel stabilization, floodplain reconnection, and in-stream habitat creation. When used in constructed wetlands, rock weirs play a valuable role in developing appropriate wetland hydrology. Although rock weirs are commonly used, a deficit of knowledge exists relating to the stage-discharge relationship of these structures. Therefore, the goal of this research was to determine a weir equation and corresponding discharge coefficients that improve predictions of flow through rock weirs.
A flume study was conducted to develop a rock weir equation and discharge coefficients. Scaled model rock weirs were tested in a 1 m x 8 m x 0.4 m recirculating flume. Rock weirs varied by length (0.152 m, 0.305 m, and 0.457 m), depth (0.152 m and 0.305 m), and minimum rock diameter (12.7 mm, 19.1 mm, 25.4 mm). Three channel slopes were used (0%, 0.5%, 1%), and the flume discharge was varied for five water stages for each rock weir. Buckingham Pi analysis was used to develop seven dimensionless parameters. Regression analyses were then used to develop a model for discharge and the discharge coefficient. Results showed that weir length and depth play a significant role in predicting the discharge coefficient of rock weirs.