Comparison of P-Delta Analyses of Plane Frames Using Commercial Structural Analysis Programs and Current AISC Design Specifications


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Virginia Tech


Several different approaches to determining second-order moments in plane frames were studied during this research. The focus of the research was to compare the moments predicted by four different commercially available computer analysis programs and the current design specification, the AISC LRFD moment magnification method. For this research, the second-order moments for ten commonly designed frames were compared.

An overview of various second-order analysis procedures is presented first. The solution procedure utilized by each computer program and the AISC moment magnification method are explained. Also, the frames considered in the research are described.

Next the frames are analyzed and the results between each of the computer programs and the current design specifications are compared.

Finally, conclusions are drawn concerning the consistency of the second-order moments predicted by each of the solution procedures and recommendations for their use are discussed. In general, each of the four computer analysis programs evaluated and the AISC moment magnification method can consistently and adequately predict the second-order moments in plane frames.



computer analysis, p-delta, plane frame

