50-kHz-rate 2D imaging of temperature and H2O concentration at the exhaust plane of a J85 engine using hyperspectral tomography


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Optical Society of America


This paper describes a novel laser diagnostic and its demonstration in a practical aero-propulsion engine (General Electric J85). The diagnostic technique, named hyperspectral tomography (HT), enables simultaneous 2-dimensional (2D) imaging of temperature and water-vapor concentration at 225 spatial grid points with a temporal response up to 50 kHz. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such sensing capabilities have been reported. This paper introduces the principles of the HT techniques, reports its operation and application in a J85 engine, and discusses its perspective for the study of high-speed reactive flows. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America



Laser-absorption-spectroscopy, Turbulent flames, Diagnostics, Thermometry, Combustion, Systems, Energy, KHZ


Lin Ma, Xuesong Li, Scott T. Sanders, Andrew W. Caswell, Sukesh Roy, David H. Plemmons, and James R. Gord, "50-kHz-rate 2D imaging of temperature and H2O concentration at the exhaust plane of a J85 engine using hyperspectral tomography," Opt. Express 21, 1152-1162 (2013); doi: 10.1364/OE.21.001152