Multifaceted Codesign for an Ultra High-Density, Double-Sided Cooled Traction Inverter Half Bridge Module
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The automotive sector finds itself undergoing a significant and substantial transformation, propelled by the pronounced proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving technologies. As the industry proactively adapts to embrace this, an increasingly pressing demand becomes evident for higher performance, reliability, sustainability, and speed. Semiconductor packages emerge as primary catalysts within this ongoing revolution, positioned squarely at the forefront to assume a critical and indispensable function in facilitating the realization of these fundamental objectives. Commercial vehicle manufacturers are taking steps to respond to these demands for sustainability and speed, the driving force in facilitating this being the shift from Si IGBTs to SiC MOSFETs. Silicon Carbide is an increasingly popular choice in inverter module fabrication for electric vehicle applications owing to its inherent characteristics such as reduced on resistance, higher blocking voltage, and higher temperature stability that enable high power density, increased efficiency, and speeds. This work focuses on developing and fabricating a high-density 1.7 kV, 300 A SiC MOSFET half-bridge power module tailored for a 280-320 kW, 2-level inverter configuration. Co-designed with the busbar and gate driver, the custom power module stresses efficient heat dissipation, minimized parasitic inductance, and a compact footprint. Key target parameters to achieve optimal performance include a Rdson below 20 mΩ, Rthjc under 0.2 K/W and a switching time below 20 ns. The proposed module features a double-sided cooling sandwiched structure, an integrated thermistor for health and degradation monitoring, and incorporates three Wolfspeed 3rd generation 1.7 kV, 18 mΩ devices per switch position. The simulated power loop inductance is 14.5 nH, the simulated parasitic resistance is 0.265 m, and the simulated junction-to-case thermal resistance is 0.12182 ℃/W. To keep the die temperature below 150 ℃, a cooling coefficient of 5500 W/m2 is necessary.