ACM Venue Recommender System
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A frequent goal of a researcher is to publish his/her work in appropriate conferences and journals. With a large number of options for venues in the microdomains of every research discipline, the issue of selecting suitable locations for publishing cannot be underestimated. Further, the venues diversify themselves in the form of workshops, symposiums, and challenges. Several publishers such as IEEE and Springer have recognized the need to address this issue and have developed journal recommenders. In this thesis, our goal is to design and develop a similar recommendation system for the ACM dataset. We view this recommendation problem from a classification perspective. With the success of deep learning classifiers in recent times and their pervasiveness in several domains, we modeled several 1D Convolutional neural network classifiers for the different venues. When given some submission information like title, keywords, abstract, etc. about a paper, the recommender uses these developed classifier predictions to recommend suitable venues to the user. The dataset used for the project is the ACM Digital Library metadata that includes textual information for research papers and journals submitted at various conferences and journals over the past 60 years. We developed the recommender based on two approaches: 1) A binary CNN classifier per venue (single classifiers), and 2) Group CNN classifiers for venue groups (group classifiers). Our system has achieved a MAP of 0.55 and 0.51 for single and group classifiers. We also show that our system has a high recall rate.