Application of Spatial Analysis in the Incidence of the Gall Midge in Jamaican Hot Pepper Production
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Jamaican farmers are experiencing constraints to hot pepper (Capsicum chinense) export production due to a quarantine pest -- the gall midge (Contarinia lycopersici; Prodiplosis longifila). There is a threat of gall midge introduction into the United States, where the insect pest is not known to occur. This research tests the significance of a range of variables to gall midge incidence. The purpose was to explain the spatial patterns that result from the relationships between gall midge incidence in hot pepper production and production methods and/or environmental conditions. There were three components to the sample of 47 farm visits: the interview, the hot pepper sampling, and the measurements of physical and locational attributes. Producers responded to questions about production methods, marketing, and quarantine issues. The percent of infested fruits per plot was calculated. GPS was used to record farm location. Using ArcView, environmental and climatic datasets were overlaid with farm locations and their attributes. Multiple regression was used to measure significance of variables to gall midge incidence. Cluster analyses were used to demonstrate the spatial patterns of the variability of gall midge incidence and its associated variables. There was significant effect on incidence by farm elevation, observance of pesticide-use recommendations, producer awareness of pre-clearance fumigation, and the use of intercropping in hot pepper production.