Explicit-State Model Checking of Concurrent x86-64 Assembly
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The thesis presents xavier, a novel tool-set for model checking of concurrent x86-64 assembly programs, via Partial Order Reduction (POR).
xavier{} presents a realistic platform for systematically exploring and analyzing the state-space of concurrent x86 assembly programs, with the aim of detecting bugs via assertion failures in mainstream programs.
Recently, a number of state-of-the-art model checking solutions have been introduced to efficiently explore the state-space of concurrent programs, using POR algorithms.
However, such solutions are inefficient while analyzing stateful programming languages, such as the x86 assembly language, due to their low level of abstraction.
To this end, xavier{} makes two contributions: i) a novel order-sensitivity based POR algorithm, that is applicable to concurrent x86 assembly,
ii) an x86 machine-model that can accurately perform relaxed-consistency emulation of concurrent x86 assembly, without the need for any translations.
We demonstrate the applicability of xavier{} through an evaluation on several classical mutual-exclusion benchmarks and mainstream benchmarks from the Userspace Read-Copy-Update (URCU) concurrency library, where the benchmarks range from