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Root growth potential and bud dormancy of three northern pines with emphasis on eastern white pine

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


A two year study examined Root Growth Potential (RGP) in a hydroponic system and Dormancy Release Index (DRI) in one-year-old (1-0) and two-year-old (2-0) eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.), red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.), and Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings with emphasis on eastern white pine. During 1985-86 all three species of 2-0 stock displayed a similar pattern of RGP with high levels of RGP limited to mid-March. Only 2-0 eastern white pine had a statistically significant relationship between RGP and DRI; however, this relationship was not consistent in 1986-87. The RGP/DRI relationship in 2-0 eastern white pine was strong over both years within a DRI range of 0.22 to 1.00. One-year-old and 2-0 eastern white pine stock had very different patterns of RGP over both years with 1-0 stock maintaining much wider "lifting windows" for high RGP. Cold storage (2C) of 2-0 eastern white pine resulted in variable effects on RGP although it typically progressed dormancy release.

There were no strong RGP trends between northern and southern provenances of 1-0 eastern white pine and heritability values indicate that RGP is under minimal genetic control in 1-0 eastern white pine seedlings. Northern and southern provenances did display clear differences in seedling morphology and seasonal patterns of shoot activity.

Results of a field outplanting study show that RGP does show promise as a measure of 2-0 eastern white pine seedling quality. The predictive ability of RGP was increased on non-irrigated versus irrigated seedlings. A comparison of greenhouse versus growthroorn RGP testing demonstrated the validity of using greenhouse RGP testing of 2-0 eastern white pine.



