Model Reduction of Linear Time-Periodic Dynamical Systems

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Virginia Tech


Few model reduction techniques exist for dynamical systems whose parameters vary with time. We have particular interest here in linear time-periodic dynamical systems; we seek a structure-preserving algorithm for model reduction of linear time-periodic (LTP) dynamical systems of large scale that generalizes from the linear time-invariant (LTI) model reduction problem.

We extend the familiar LTI system theory to analogous concepts in the LTP setting. First, we represent the LTP system as a convolution operator of a bivariate periodic kernel function. The kernel suggests a representation of the system as a frequency operator, called the Harmonic Transfer Function. Second, we exploit the Hilbert space structure of the family of LTP systems to develop necessary conditions for optimal approximations.

Additionally, we show an a posteriori error bound written in terms of the mathcalH2 norm of related LTI multiple input/multiple output system. This bound inspires an algorithm to construct approximations of reduced order.

To verify the efficacy of this algorithm we apply it to three models: (1) fluid flow around a cylinder by a finite element discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations, (2) thermal diffusion through a plate modeled by the heat equation, and (3) structural model of component 1r of the Russian service module of the International Space Station.



Model Reduction, Time-varying Systems

