The effects of vortex generating fins and jets on the crossflow separation of a submarine in a turning maneuver

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Virginia Tech


The effect of fin and jet vortex generators on the crossflow separation of a 688 class submarine in a turning maneuver was studied. The vortex generators are located on the top and bottom centerline of the submarine. The intent of the vortex generators is to improve turning performance by changing the hydrodynamic forces incurred from crossflow separation. Performance of the jets and the fins are compared. Oil flow visualization and force and moment measurements were used as the primary diagnostics in determining the effectiveness of various vortex generator configurations. The fins were found to be very effective in delaying cross flow separation, while the jets were less effective. In addition, the oil flows revealed the importance of locating vortex generators near the bow and the critical role the sail plays in the fluid dynamics near the submarine. Overall, the fins were found to be viable as a concept for flow control, while the jets were less attractive.



