Co-Located Many-Player Gaming on Large High-Resolution Displays

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Virginia Tech


Two primary types of multiplayer gaming have emerged over the years. The first type involves co-located players on a shared display, and typically caps at four players. The second type of gaming provides a single display for each player. This type scales well beyond four players, but places no requirement on co-location. This paper will attempt to combine the best of both worlds via high-resolution, highly-multiplayer gaming.

Over the past few years, there has been a rise in the number of extremely high-resolution, tiled displays. These displays provide an enormous amount of screen space to work with. This space was used to allow twelve co-located players to play a game together.

This study accomplishes three things: we designed and built PyBomber, a high-resolution and highly multiplayer game for up to twelve players; secondly, user trials were conducted to see whether this type of gaming is enjoyable as well as to learn what sorts of social interactions take place amongst so many players; lastly, the lessons learned were generalized into design criteria for future high-resolution games.

Results show that with more people, much more of the time during a game was filled with vocal interactions between players. There were also more physical movements in the larger games.

Over the course of this study, we learned that good high-resolution games will: decide between a singular gameplay area and split views, use the physical space in front of the display, provide feedback that is localized to each player, and utilize input devices appropriately.



high-resolution, multiplayer, co-located, gaming, large tiled display, collaborative

