Development of Potential Remote Coal Mine Fire Response Measures: Use of Multiple Passive Source Tracers and Simulation of High Expansion Foam Flow in Simulated Gob Material

dc.contributor.authorWatkins, Eric Andrewen
dc.contributor.committeechairLuxbacher, Kramer Davisen
dc.contributor.committeememberNojabaei, Baharehen
dc.contributor.committeememberRipepi, Nino S.en
dc.contributor.departmentMining Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractThis thesis examines potential improvements to current coal mine fire response measures. In the event of a fire scenario, indirect testing and analysis of the exhausting air is needed to characterize changes in the fire. The application of multiple passive source tracers provides improved detail of complex ventilation interactions over an extended period of time. The first work in this thesis details the testing of the passive release rates for three Perfluorocarbon tracer compounds over a 180-day period. The results of this study demonstrate the ability for the permeation plug release vessel design to release Perfluorocarbon tracers at a steady rate. Current response methods for a fire in a coal mine gob consist of injection of inert gas and sealing of the mine openings. Injection of high expansion foam into the gob from the surface has potential to improve extinguishment of the fire and reduce the time needed to bring the mine back to an operational state. The applicability of this method requires computational modeling and field testing. The second part of this thesis determines the Darcy and Forchheimer values for high expansion foam flow in simulated gob material with a lab experiment. The experiment was replicated in the CFD software, OpenFOAM, to validate the methods for calculation of the Darcy and Forchheimer values. The results of this study provide a tested methodology for a future full scale modeling of high expansion foam injection in a coal mine gob.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralThis thesis examines potential improvements to current coal mine fire response measures. In the event of a mine fire, indirect testing of mine air exhaust is needed to track changes in the fire. The use of multiple passive tracer gas testing allows for better detail of air movement over a longer period of time. The first work in this thesis details the testing of the gas release rates for three Perfluorocarbon tracer gases over a 180-day timeframe. The results of this study show the ability for the gas release design to release Perfluorocarbon tracers at a steady rate needed for mine air exhaust testing. Current methods to extinguish a fire in a coal mine gob involve adding inert gas to the mine and sealing the mine openings. Pumping of high expansion foam into the caved area of the coal mine from the surface has potential to improve extinguishment of the fire and reduce the time needed to bring the mine back to normal conditions. The potential of this method is determined by computer simulations and lab testing. The second part of this thesis determines the characteristics for foam flow in simulated caved material. The lab test was replicated in a computer simulation to prove the methods used to characterize the foam flow were accurate. The results of this study provide a proven method for future full scale computer simulations of foam flow in the caved area of a coal mine.en
dc.description.degreeMaster of Scienceen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectTracer Gasen
dc.titleDevelopment of Potential Remote Coal Mine Fire Response Measures: Use of Multiple Passive Source Tracers and Simulation of High Expansion Foam Flow in Simulated Gob Materialen
dc.typeThesisen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen of Scienceen


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