Schur-class of finitely connected planar domains: the test-function approach

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Virginia Tech


We study the structure of the set of extreme points of the compact convex set of matrix-valued holomorphic functions with positive real part on a finitely-connected planar domain 𝐑 normalized to have value equal to the identity matrix at some prescribed point t₀ ∈ 𝐑. This leads to an integral representation for such functions more general than what would be expected from the result for the scalar-valued case. After Cayley transformation, this leads to a integral Agler decomposition for the matrix Schur class over 𝐑 (holomorphic contractive matrix-valued functions over 𝐑). Application of a general theory of abstract Schur-class generated by a collection of test functions leads to a transfer-function realization for the matrix Schur-class over 𝐑, extending results known up to now only for the scalar case. We also explain how these results provide a new perspective for the dilation theory for Hilbert space operators having 𝐑 as a spectral set.



completely positive kernel, extreme points., Schur class, test functions
