Leadership identity development, meaning making, and the intersection of marginalized social identities: A scoping review

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Purpose: The current paper is part of a larger scoping review project investigating the intersection of leader(ship) identity development and meaning-making. In this review, we analyzed 100 articles to determine the current extent of literature that covers the intersection of leader(ship) identity development, meaning-making and marginalized social identities.

Design/methodology/approach: A review of the extant literature is included, and a conceptual model is suggested for further exploration into this critical and under-researched domain.

Findings: More research is needed at the intersection of leadership identity development, meaning-making and marginalized social identities.

Originality/value: As this area of study has expanded, scholars have noted an absence of research on the effect of multiple social identities, especially marginalized identities, on meaning-making and leadership identity construction.



Social identity, Meaning-making, Leadership pedagogy, Leadership identity development, Leader identity development
