Influence of gypsy moth induced oak mortality on a black bear population

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Virginia Tech


During June 1990 - November 1993 I measured the responses of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Shenandoah National Park (SNP), Virginia to gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) induced oak (Quercus spp.) mortality. Oak species composed >50% of the forest canopy of SNP, and oak mortality rates ranged from 1- ≥48%. I compared black bear population dynamics, food habits, movements and habitat use to preinfestation data collected in SNP from 1982 - 1985.

Scat analysis indicated that the current diet of SNP’s black bear population includes proportionally more soft mast in the fall and more soft mast and ants (Formicidae spp., P<0.0001) in the summer than did the preinfestation diet. Fewer acorns (Quercus spp. mast, P=0.03) and squawroot (Conopholis americana, P=0.01) were consumed in the fall and summer respectively. No decline in the physical condition of adult females (P=0.91), subadult males (P=0.34) or subadult females (P=0.94) was evident. Adult male physical condition declined (P=0.03) for unknown reasons.

The mean age of neither female (P=0.99) nor male bears (P=0.54) was different from preinfestation data. Mean litter size - 2.25 cubs - did not differ (P=0.49) froma preinfestation mean of 2.0 cubs. Survival of radio-collared female bears was 100%, indicating that the female survival rate has not declined from a high preinfestation survival rate. Minimum cub survival rate to 1 year was 64.7%.

Fall and annual home ranges of female bears were smaller (P=0.001 and P=0.002, respectively) than during preinfestation years. Use of forest cover types differed from availability during the summer (P<0.01), early fall (P<0.0001) and late fall (P<0.001) and when compared to preinfestation data. Use of stands with different levels of oak mortality was not different from availability during the summer (P=0.1) but was different during the early fall (P<0.005) and late fall (P<0.001).



