Synthesis of planar four-link mechanisms for force generation

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Virginia Tech


This thesis presents a technique for synthesizing weighted four-bar linkages to produce a specified resisting force or torque.

Historically, mechanism force synthesis has assumed that output positions must always be associated with prescribed forces. This results in the loss of design parameters. Applications which do not require a specified output position benefit from the design method presented in this thesis.

This thesis presents two significant contributions to the field of kinematics. First, it contains a full development and demonstration of the use of integrated force constraints to develop position constraints for linkages. Second, it presents the development and use of inverse-mechanical-advantage sensitivity as an evaluation and design tool.

The mathematical derivation of a novel synthesis technique is presented in full detail. Also presented is a complete and robust design method for force-generating linkages that has been implemented in software, tested in hardware design, and adopted by industry. The closed-form-equation-based synthesis technique developed herein provides the designer with a graphical representation of an infinite solution set to the force generation problem. Associated sensitivity, static and dynamic analyses allow the designer to quickly evaluate each solution.



