Salt Stress Signals on Demand: Cellular Events in the Right Context

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Plant stress is a real dilemma; it puzzles plant biologists and is a global problem that negatively affects people’s daily lives. Of particular interest is salinity, because it represents one of the major water-related stress types. We aimed to determine the signals that guide the cellular-related events where various adaptation mechanisms cross-talk to cope with salinity-related water stress in plants. In an attempt to unravel these mechanisms and introduce cellular events in the right context, we expansively discussed how salt-related signals are sensed, with particular emphasis on aquaporins, nonselective cation channels (NSCCs), and glycosyl inositol phosphorylceramide (GIPC). We also elaborated on the critical role Ca2+, H+, and ROS in mediating signal transduction pathways associated with the response and tolerance to salt stress. In addition, the fragmentary results from the literature were compiled to develop a harmonized, informational, and contemplative model that is intended to improve our perception of these adaptative mechanisms and set a common platform for plant biologists to identify intriguing research questions in this area.



salinity, osmotic and ionic stress, salt-related signals, adaptive cellular responses, aquaporins, NSCCs, GIPC, FERONIA, Ca2+, H+, ROS


Ismail, A.; El-Sharkawy, I.; Sherif, S. Salt Stress Signals on Demand: Cellular Events in the Right Context. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 3918.