Exploiting Interfacial Phenomena to Expel Matter from its Substrate

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Virginia Tech


Spontaneous expulsion of various forms and types of matter from their solid substrates has always been an integral part of interfacial physics problems. A thorough understanding of such interactions between a solid surface and different soft materials not only expands our theoretical knowledge, but also has applications in self-cleaning, omniphobic surfaces and phase-change heat transfer. Although there is a renewed interest in the design of robust functional surfaces which can passively remove highly viscous liquids or dew, or retard ice accretion or frost formation, the physics of several dewetting and/or deicing mechanisms are yet to be fully understood. Even though we know how jumping-droplet condensation offers significantly better heat transfer performance than regular dropwise condensation and can liberate foreign particles, fundamental questions on the effect of surface orientation on jumping-droplet condensation or how it helps in large-scale fungal disease epidemic in plants are still unanswered. Thus, we first try to fill the knowledge gap in jumping-droplet condensation by characterizing their orientation-dependence and their role in a large-scale pathogenic rust disease dissemination among wheat. Unfortunately, understanding of such dewetting mechanisms does not necessarily translates to prevention or removal of ice and frost on subzero surfaces. Use of superhydrophobic structures or hygroscopic materials to retard the growth of frost was found to be limiting. Therefore the search for an efficient, inexpensive, and environmentally favorable anti-icing or de-icing mechanism is still underway. Here we give a framework for making a novel de-icing construct by analyzing a peculiar jumping frost phenomena where frost particles spontaneously jump off the surface when a polar liquid is brought above. Lastly, we demonstrate a simple and cost-effective technique to design a slippery liquid-infused surface from low-density hydrocarbon-based polymers, which is able to effectively remove a wide variety of soft materials. The main all-encompassing theme of this dissertation is to enhance our understanding of several dewetting phenomena, which might enable better design and/or mitigation strategies to control the expulsion of various forms of matter from a wide variety of surfaces.



Interfacial Phenomena, Phase change, Jumping-Droplet Condensation, Spore Dispersal, Frost, Liquid-Infused Surfaces
