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- Absolute coverage measurements of ultrathin alkali-metal films on reconstructed siliconBanerjee, Rajarshi (2001)Metal/semiconductor interfaces, particularly those involving Si, are of great technological and scientific interest. In atomically abrupt interfaces, many properties are determined by interatomic interactions over a few layers, i.e., over ~1 nanometer. The initial stages of growth of an atomic layer related to structural and electronic properties are thus important to thin film behavior. Surface science studies on metal-semiconductor systems often lead to contradictory conclusions regarding bonding sites and even whether the first layer is metallic or not. A key piece of information that must be consistent with any study is the number of atoms per unit area in the first layer, which is difficult to assess directly. Alkali-metal-semiconductor systems have been studied as model abrupt interfaces for several years. Novel effects, such as electron localization, were observed. Still, determinations of absolute coverage have been lacking. This dissertation describes results of absolute coverage measurements for Cs on Si(100)(2X1), Si(111)(7X7), and Si (111)(v3 X v3)R30°-B reconstructed surfaces using Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in ultrahigh vacuum. The results bracket possible structural models for these systems. For the Cs/Si(111)(v3 X v3)R30°-B interface, this work confirms conclusions regarding electron localization effects and introduces considerations of ion-beam-induced desorption for the weakly-bound Cs
- Abundance And Diversity Of Fish In Relation To Littoral And Shoreline FeaturesLange, Marc (University of Guelph, 1999-09)The effects of small-scale shoreline residential development on littoral fish abundance and species richness was examined at three different scales of observation (within 122, 244, and 488 meters) in Lake Simcoe (Ontario, Canada). A mixed model regression was used to test for effects of development after accounting for seasonal and spatial variation in environmental variables known to affect distribution and abundance of fish. Fish were aggregated near single development structures, such as permanent docks, and repelled from other single structures, such as bank stabilisation. Shoreline developed with multiple features, such as docks combined with break walls, tended to be positively correlated with fish abundance but negatively correlated with species richness. Features such as docks and break walls combined with boathouses were generally associated with a decrease in both abundance and richness. Cluster analysis detected no consistent pattern of association between specific fish assemblages and residential development across the three scales of observation. Increased density and diversity of shoreline residential development tended to be associated with reduced fish abundance and species richness. The specific development features associated with these patterns change with the scale of observation, indicating that fish responded to proximally and distantly located habitat alterations.
- Accommodating and promoting multilingualism through blended learningOlivier, Jak (North-West University, 2011-05)Multilingualism is a reality in South African classrooms. The Constitution of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996) and the national language policy recognize language rights and aims at supporting, promoting and developing the official languages. However, despite the advantages of mother tongue education, English is often chosen as language of learning and teaching at the cost of the African official languages. This study proposes the accommodation and promotion of multilingualism through blended learning.Blended learning refers to the blending of traditional instruction methods, such as face-to-face instruction, with other forms of instruction such as online learning and teaching. Through a discussion of asynchronous and synchronous learning tools it was established that wikis would be used for this study. In terms of blended learning and learning theories the main emphasis in this study is on socio-constructivism as well as communal constructivism.The empirical research in this study focused on the establishment and testing of a conceptual model for the accommodation and promotion of multilingualism through blended learning in the subject IT. The research took the form of a sequential embedded mixed methods design. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. A questionnaire was used with IT teachers to investigate the language and blended learning context. This was followed up with qualitative research in the form of interviews aimed at provincial and national experts in terms of the subject IT and e-learning. Based on the literature and these two investigations, a conceptual model was developed. The conceptual model’s effectiveness was tested through a quasi-experimental study. A questionnaire was also completed by the respondents at the schools after the completion of the study. Through the testing of the effectiveness of the conceptual model it was found that multilingualism could successfully be accommodated and promoted through this conceptual model.
- Actividad Politica de la Izquierda en la Comarca del Vallès Occidental Libertaria Durante la Guerra CivilVargas Puga, Matias (2001)Tesis Doctoral QUE CON DETALLE LA Analiza Influencia DE LOS ES CADA MUNICIPIO Anarquistas, PODER POLÍTICO DURANTE SU CONTRA LA GUERRA CIVIL LAS Fuerzas franquistas (1936-1939, Alianzas SUS, Teórica EVOLUCION ORGANIZATIVA Y, ASPECTOS IMPORTANTES DE SU GESTIÓN PÚBLICA COTIDIANA, ETC.
- Activismo social y difusión en el movimiento del Software Libre en ChileBáez Bezama, Eric Rolando (Universidad de Chile, 2005-03)Esta investigación es el resultado de la experiencia profesional del autor en medios de comunicación y centros tecnológicos, así como de la vinculación y participación activa que ha tenido con las comunidades nacionales e internacionales que promueven la creación y difusión libre del conocimiento, en especial el Software Libre.
- Adecuación del diseño de materiales a las hipótesis de aprendizaje de los alumnos de idiomas extranjerosRozzi De Bergel, A. M. (Universidad CAECE, 2005-10)En los cursos de idiomas extranjeros para adultos pueden existir serias discrepancias entre los materiales que los docentes consideran modernos y adecuados y aquellos que los alumnos desean usar. Estos conflictos redundan en diferencias de motivación entre los miembros de los cursos, lo que luego origina desniveles en el ritmo de aprendizaje y descontento, con la consiguiente pérdida de matrícula. Por ello, la adecuación de los diseños de materiales a las hipótesis de aprendizaje de los alumnos parecería un método adecuado para optimizar el rendimiento y satisfacción de los estudiantes y retener la matrícula. El presente trabajo es un estudio de caso evaluativo que arroja una mirada retrospectiva, crítica y analítica sobre la forma como se exploró este problema en un instituto de idiomas, en un ciclo de investigación-acción iniciado en 1983. En este caso, se estudió la posible relación entre el diseño de materiales y el desgranamiento de la matrícula.y se intentó atacar sus posibles causas adecuando los diseños a las hipótesis de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Nos ocuparemos de la implementación de este método de adecuación de los diseños y su impacto en la gestión, para analizar luego, desde el estado de la cuestión en el momento actual, las conclusiones tentativas de aquella investigación y su posible aplicación a casos similares, su grado de vigencia en el presente y líneas de investigación que quedan abiertas para el futuro.
- Advances in Answer Set PlanningPolleres, Axel (2003-08-27)Planning is a challenging research area since the early days of Artificial Intelligence. The planning problem is the task of finding a sequence of actions leading an agent from a given initial state to a desired goal state. Whereas classical planning adopts restricting assumptions such as complete knowledge about the initial state and deterministic action effects, in real world scenarios we often have to face incomplete knowledge and non-determinism. Classical planning languages and algorithms do not take these facts into account. So, there is a strong need for formal languages describing such non-classical planning problems on the one hand and for (declarative) methods for solving these problems on the other hand.In this thesis, we present the action language Kc, which is based on flexible action languages from the knowledge representation community and extends these by useful concepts from logic programming.We define two basic semantics for this language which reflect optimistic and secure (i.e. sceptical) plans in presence of incomplete information or nondeterminism. These basic semantics are furthermore extended to planning with action costs, where each action can have an assigned cost value. Here, we address optimal plans as well as plans which stay within a certain overall cost limit.Next, we develop efficient (i.e. polynomial) transformations from planning problems described in our language Kc to disjunctive logic programs which are then evaluated under the so-called Answer Set Semantics. In this context, we introduce a general new method for problem solving in Answer Set Programming (ASP) which takes the genuine "guess and check" paradigm in ASP into account and allows us to integrate separate "guess" and "check" programs into a single logic program. Based on these methods, we have implemented the planning system DLVK. We discuss problem solving and knowledge representation in Kc using DLVK by means of several examples. The proposed methods and the DLVK system are also evaluated experimentally and compared against related approaches. Finally, we present a practical application scenario from the area of design and monitoring of multi-agent systems. As we will see, this monitoring approach is not restricted to our particular formalism.
- Advantages of Re-Establishing Hospital Based Schools of NursingDahl, Susan (Kennedy-Western University, 2006)This study examined perceptions of hospital-based nursing schools among nursing professionals to determine whether this type of nursing education model is viable in the modern nursing context. Nursing education is faced with the twin problems of insufficient nurses, which creates a demand for rapid education of nurses, and ensuring adequate clinical quality of nurses, which creates a demand for more extensive undergraduate clinical training. Hospital-based nursing schools are three-year programs that provide more intensive clinical training than the two-year university-based programs. The study developed and disseminated a questionnaire to assess the perception of nursing professionals and nursing students on the issues related to hospital-based nursing schools including clinical quality and the shortage of nurses. Secondary research was conducted based on the available literature regarding nursing education and the historical development of the current nursing educational system. The study found that there was a generally favorable opinion of hospital-based nursing schools among the surveyed population, particularly in the area of the level of clinical training received at these types of schools. The study also found that there were significant attitudinal and financial barriers to increasing the number of hospital based nursing schools. The findings of this study are exploratory in nature and serve to define the problems and alternatives associated with nursing education and hospital-based nursing schools.
- Aetiology of fatigue during maximal and supramaximal exerciseAnsley, Les (University of Cape Town, 2003-03)The aim of this thesis was to investigate the extent of peripheral and central components in the development of fatigue during maximal exercise. Fatigue during maximal and supramaximal exercise has traditionally been modelled from the peripheral context of an inadequate capacity to supply metabolic substrate to the contracting muscles to meet the increased energy demand. However, there are a number of observations that are not compatible with the peripheral fatigue model but which support a reduced central drive during exercise acting to prevent organ failure that might occur should the work be continued at the same intensity. Candidates for the role of “exercise stopper” have been identified as mechanical forces, teleoanticipation, cardiovascular capacity and dyspnoea. We explored these various possibilities in order to determine the most likely cause of exercise cessation during high intensity exercise.The development of a plateau in oxygen consumption during maximal incremental exercise has traditionally been used as evidence that an oxygen deficiency in the exercising muscles causes the termination of exercise. However, the incidence of this “plateau phenomenon” depends largely on mode of exercise, testing protocol and sampling frequency. The aim of this study was to examine whether the development of the “plateau phenomenon” is an artefact of pedalling cadence. In the first study nine healthy individuals performed in random order a maximal incremental ramp test (0.5 W.s-1) on four occasions at a fixed cadence of 60, 80 or 100 rpm and at a self-selected cadence. Oxygen consumption (VO2), CO2 production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE) and heart rate were measured throughout each trial and averaged over 30 s. Cadence was recorded every second. Neither VO2max nor peak power output were different between trials. Submaximum VO2, VCO2 and VE were not influenced by cadence. A plateau in oxygen consumption was observed in 14% of the trials. Cadence declined significantly towards the end of the self-selected cadence trial (p < 0.05). This ramp protocol produces a low incidence of the “plateau phenomenon” and the measured physiological variables are unaffected by cadence. Furthermore, only one subject displayed this phenomenon on more than one occasion. This confirms that the “plateau phenomenon” is an artefact of the testing protocol. The significant fall in cadence in anticipation of exercise termination during the self-selected cadence trial indicates the presence of a neural regulation, which would lead to a “plateau phenomenon” in those cycle tests in which the work rate is cadence-dependent.The purpose of the second study was to assess whether pacing strategies are adopted during supramaximal exercise bouts lasting longer than 30 s. Eight healthy males performed six Wingate Anaerobic Tests (WAnT). Subjects were informed that they were performing four 30 s WAnT and a 33 s and 36 s WAnT. However, they actually completed two trials of 30, 33 and 36 s each. Temporal feedback in the deception trials was manipulated so that subjects were unaware of the time discrepancy. Power output (PO) was determined from the angular displacement of the flywheel and averaged over 3 s. The peak power (PPI), mean power (MPI) and fatigue (FI) indices were calculated for each trial. Power output was similar for all trials up to 30 s. However, at 36 s the PO was significantly lower in the 36 s deception trial compared to the 36 s informed trial (392 ± 32 W vs 470 ± 88 W) (p < 0.001). The MPI was significantly lower in the 36 s trials (714 ± 76 W and 713 ± 78 W) compared to the 30 s trials (745 ± 65 W and 764 ± 82 W) although they were not different at 30 s (764 ± 83 W and 755 ± 79 W). The significant reduction in FI was greatest in the 36 s deception trial. In conclusion, the significant reduction in PO in the last six seconds of the 36 second deception trial, but not in the 36 second informed trial, indicates the presence of a pre-programmed 30 second “end point” based on the anticipated exercise duration from previous experience. Furthermore the similarity in pacing strategy in all informed trials suggests that the pacing strategy is centrally regulated and is independent of the total work to be performed.Athletes adopt a pacing strategy to delay fatigue and optimise athletic performance. However, many current theories of the regulation of muscle function during exercise do not adequately explain all observed features of such pacing strategies. We studied power output, oxygen consumption and muscle recruitment strategies during successive 4km cycling time trials to determine whether alterations in muscle recruitment by the central nervous system could explain the observed pacing strategies. Seven, highly trained cyclists performed three consecutive 4 km time trial intervals, each separated by 17 minutes. Subjects were instructed to perform each trial in the fastest time possible, but were given no feedback other than distance covered. Integrated electromyographic (iEMG) readings were measured at peak power output and for 90 s before the end of each trial. Subjects reach a VO2max in each interval. Time taken to complete the first and third intervals was similar. Peak power output was highest in the first interval but average power output, oxygen consumption, heart rate and postexercise plasma lactate concentrations were not different between intervals. Power output and iEMG activity rose similarly during the final 60 s in all intervals but were not different between trials. The similar pacing strategies in successive intervals and the parallel increase in iEMG and power output towards the end of each interval suggests that these pacing strategies could not have been controlled by peripheral mechanisms. Rather, these findings are compatible with the action of a centrally regulated that are recruited and de-recruited during exercise. The extent to which peripheral feedback influences recruitment patterns could not be determined from these experiments.The fourth study examined whether the supplementation of inspired air with a hyperoxic mixture results in a dose-dependent increase in peak work rate and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) during a ramp test to volitional exhaustion. To avoid the methodological disadvantages associated with breathing the gas mixtures from mixing bags, the trials were performed in a sealed chamber in which the oxygen fraction (FIO2) in the ambient air was altered and subjects were able to inhale directly from the environment. The three oxygen fractions in which the subjects exercised were 21% (room air), 35 or 60%. Arterial blood sampling occurred at rest and every 3 min during the trial. The blood was analysed for the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), and carbon dioxide (pCO2); pH; oxygen saturation (sO2); haemoglobin saturation (O2Hb); and lactate concentrations. Expired gas and heart rate were measured continuously. Arterial sO2 and O2Hb were elevated in both hyperoxic conditions and did not fall throughout either trial. However in the normoxic trial sO2 and O2Hb declined over the duration of the trial. Lactate concentrations and pH were similar between all trials. VO2max was significantly higher with an FIO2 of 35 and 60% but was not different between hyperoxic conditions. Maximal ventilation (VEmax), carbon dioxide production (VCO2max) and heart rate were similar for all trials. Peak power output was increased in the trained athletes in the 60% FIO2 trial. Since the plateau phenomenon occurred infrequently in all trial (~9%) and the effect of hyperoxia on performance was less than the changes in blood oxygen carrying capacity, we conclude that hyperoxia improved exercise performance not solely by increasing oxygen delivery to the exercising muscles.In order to be able to directly compare the results from studies using different equipment it is important to know the interchangeability of the results from the machines. The fifth study tested the reliability and interchangeability of the two automated metabolic gas analyser systems that would be used in this series of studies at a range of submaximal workloads. Eight highly trained cyclists performed two incremental submaximal cycle ergometer tests. For each session either a Schiller CS-200 or a Vmax Series 229 automated gas analyser was used for expired gas analysis. Data for oxygen consumption (VO2), CO2 production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE) and respiratory exchange ration (RER) were averaged for each of the five stages (200, 250, 275, 300 and 325 W). The VO2, VE and RER were similar between trials at all workloads. However, VCO2 was significantly lower in the Schiller trial at workloads above 200 W (p < 0.05). Although there was a significant correlation between the two automated systems for the measured parameters (VO2 = 0.78; VCO2 = 0.80; VE = 0.82; RER = 0.72) (p < 0.05), a Bland-Altman plot revealed that the limits of agreement between the two systems were unacceptably large (VO2 = 0.53 to 1.30 L.min-1; VCO2 = 0.55 to 0.64 L.min-1; VE = -22.3 to 30.3 L.min-1; RER = - 0.03 to 0.13). The co-efficient of variation within the analysers was insignificant for both systems. Both the systems provide reliable measures of expired gas parameters. However, care should be taken in directly comparing studies that have used the two different systems due to the poor agreement between the systems.The factors causing the termination of maximal exercise at sea level are unknown. A widely held view is that skeletal muscle anaerobiosis consequent to an inadequate oxygen delivery to the exercising muscles limits exercise. However, there is also evidence that respiratory muscle fatigue at the high ventilatory volumes achieved during maximal exercise delivery and respiratory muscle work on maximal exercise performance, we exercised 8 highly trained cyclists in a pressure-sealed chamber in which O2 concentrations were manipulated and helium (He) was substituted for nitrogen in the ambient air in order to reduce the work of breathing during exercise. This system ensured that external inspiratory and expiratory resistance was minimised and identical in all experimental conditions and approximated conditions present during usual exercise. During trials with O2 enriched ambient air the peak work rate increased (451 ± 58 W vs. 429 ± 59 W). Neither maximum nor submaximal oxygen consumption was altered in FIO2 of 35% (5.0 ± 0.6 l.min-1) compared to 21% (4.9 ± 0.7 l.min- 1). Substituting helium for nitrogen had no additional effect on work (453 ± 56 W) or VO2max (4.9 ± 0.7 l.min-1) beyond those observed for the hyperoxic conditions. Although submaximum VE was reduced with helium, VEmax was unchanged. Since exercise was terminated at the same peak work rate (± 5 W) in the two hyperoxic conditions we postulate that the actual work rate may be the sensed variable that determines maximal exercise performance. The findings from these studies suggest that the maintenance of physiological homeostasis and the avoidance of organ and cellular damage are of fundamental importance during maximal exercise. This is achieved through central regulation of work output based, possibly, on afferent information from the mechanoreceptors in the exercising skeletal muscles or alternatively, the extent of motor unit recruitment during maximal exercise may be hardwired in the central nervous system in a system of feed-forward control.
- Agroindústria Canavieira: Uma Análise Sobre o Uso da Água na Produção SucroalcooleiraAlves Pereira, Bruno (2009-04)The relation between water and sugarcane is a topic that has been greatly discussed, but on which there are few theoretical writings. To try to help with the small existing literature, this work presents a series of four studies. The first study researches the beginnings of the activity of sugarcane in Brazil and its dependence on water resources, for, without water, the plant could not live, neither the wheels of the royal mills, the first units of sugar production in the country, moved byhydraulic power, could work. The second study describes the effects of changes in the industrial production system of sugarcane by-products on the banks of the rivers where the first plants were installed, which followed the trends of the Industrial Revolution. The third study examines the technical changes that took place in the agricultural techniques of the sugarcane agribusiness as a result of the industrialization of agriculture, and its impacts on the bodies of water. The fourth study discusses the problems related to water availability and water use by the sugarcane agribusiness in São Paulo, currently the largest State producer of sugarcane and its by-products in Brazil. The objective of the work is to study the way in which water resources are being used by the sugarcane agribusiness over the years and to evaluate the quality of the relationship between water and sugarcane. The conclusion of the study indicates that water is being used carelesly by the sector, being consumed excessively in the stages of industrial processes and contaminated by effluents and agricultural waste.
- Análisis Financiero de las Tasas de Interés en la Zona Monetaria Europea y del impacto de la Introducción del Euro en las mismasBravo, Ramon (Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, 2001)Hace tan solo unos años se introdujo el euro como moneda de pleno derecho en once países de la Unión Europea. Sin embargo, a lo largo del tiempo, este proyecto se ha enfrentado a diversos obstáculos, y uno de los más relevantes es el no conocer precisamente el efecto que la Unión Monetaria podría tener en las economías de la región. Las tasas de interés son variables fundamentales en el desempeño coyuntural de cualquier nación, por lo que su manejo por parte del Banco Central implica consecuencias importantes. A partir del mes de Enero de 1999, la difícil tarea de fijar los tipos de interés comunes para todos los países miembros de la Zona Monetaria Europea, independientemente sus características particulares, está a cargo del Banco Central Europeo. En esta investigación se busca determinar las variables más importantes que afectan el comportamiento de las tasas de interés, y al mismo tiempo saber que efecto ha ocasionado la introducción del euro en las mismas, por lo que el trabajo se ha dividido en dos partes. En la primera parte se estudian diversas ecuaciones, creadas con base en ciertas teorías relacionadas con el tema (Akthar 1987, Fischer 1990, Cohen y Wennigen 1994, Lee y Prasad 1994, Patterson 1999, Haley 2000.) por lo que se obtienen las variables más significativas en cada una de ellas. En la segunda parte se analizan las variables de la primera parte, y se definen cuales fueron afectadas por la introducción del euro. Para ambas secciones se utiliza una Base de Datos del Boletín Mensual del Mes de Enero del 2001 del Banco Central Europeo. El período estudiado comprende desde el mes de Enero de 1997 hasta Octubre del 2000. Para efectuar el análisis se emplean los modelos de regresión lineal y split regression, de forma que es posible determinar la relación entre las variables, su nivel de significación en los modelos empleados, y el efecto sufrido por la introducción del euro. El resultado del análisis muestra que la introducción de la moneda única tuvo un fuerte impacto en la mayoría de las variables analizadas y por consecuencia en las tasas de interés de la zona euro. La introducción de la divisa comunitaria implicó la disminución de los tipos de interés promedio en la región, sin embargo fue posible observar un incremento en los mismos durante los últimos meses analizados. Este comportamiento ha sido la respuesta del Banco Central Europeo para mantener la estabilidad de precios ante los fenómenos presentados en el segundo semestre del año 2000, como han sido la debilidad del euro con relación al dólar americano, los elevados precios del petróleo, falta de interés y confianza en la moneda común por parte de Dinamarca, Suecia y el Reino Unido, el prolongado e ininterrumpido crecimiento sostenido de la economía estadounidense hasta antes de Enero del 2001, crisis agropecuarias y la caída de los índices bursátiles.
- Analysis of the visitors' profile of the islands Ilha do Superagüi e Ilha do Mel - Marketing as an instrument for sustainable tourismNiefer, Inge Andrea (Universidade federal do Paraná, 2002-05)The objectives of this work were to analyze and to compare the visitors of the immediate surroundings of two protected areas in the State of Paraná: the National Park of Superagüi and the Ecological Station “Ilha do Mel”, both islands. There was applied a questionnaire with 37 qualitative and quantitative questions. The questionnaire consisted of five parts: sociodemographic characteristics; trip characteristics; environmental conscience and attitudes; favorite activities and motivation; and perception of the destiny. The data were collected through personal interviews that in the average took from 20 to 30 minutes. 327 questionnaires were applied in Superagüi; in the period of December of 1998 to May of 2000, and 392 on the Ilha do Mel, in the period of April of 2000 to June of 2000. There are significant differences among the visitors of the two islands, this practically in all the researched characteristics. The public of the Ilha do Mel is significantly younger, what influences in several other variables, such as: civil status; education degree; and employment situation. 84% of the visitors of Ilha do Mel heard about it through friends/family, while in Superagüi only 67%. Ilha do Mel, for being a tourist destiny already for a longer time and the easy access, receives a larger number of people with repeated visits. Tourism was trip objective to a larger portion of the visitors of Ilha do Mel; in compensation they were observed significantly more researchers in Superagüi. Visitors’ environmental conscience can be considered high on both islands, but the one of the visitors of Ilha do Mel was inferior to Superagüi. Fewer respondents knew that the place they visited is a protected area. The value of the entrance fee that they are willing to pay was significantly smaller, as well as the disposition to follow the rules in favor of the conservation of nature. The interest in social and environmental subjects was significantly higher among the visitors of Superagüi. They were also willing to pay more for the use of environmental sane techniques than the respondents on Ilha do Mel. The interest in practicing the 25 tourist activities was significantly different between the two places. The comparison of the visitors’ attitude towards to problems showed that a part of the interviewees in Superagüi is much less inconvenienced with problems linked to the infrastructure that reduce the comfort during the stay, confirmed this fact by the smaller importance they give to items of tourist infrastructure. Among the visitors of Superagüi there was an accentuated concern with the improvement of the quality of the host community's life, fact not noticed on Ilha do Mel. In terms of motivation, it was shown that the visitors of Superagüi have larger appreciation to the natural and cultural values and the escape of the stress of the city than the ones of Ilha do Mel. There was also accomplished a benefit segmentation, showing that it is possible to identify distinct segments among the visitors of the same place. In Superagüi they were identified the following clusters: 1) the indifferent ones; 2) the non-sociable adventurers; 3) the sociable adventurers; 4) the enthusiasts; and 5) the non-sociable naturalists. On Ilha do Mel there were identified five different clusters: 1) the sociable adventurers; 2) the pure naturalists; 3) the enthusiasts; 4) the indifferent ones; and 5) the cultural naturalists.
- Aplicación parcial del procedimiento de gestión por competencias en la mejora de procesos de alto grado de contacto con el cliente, en el Hotel Mercure Cuatro Palmas CoraliaAzcanio, Andrés García (2007)Este trabajo fue realizado en el Hotel Mercure Cuatro Palmas Coralia, cita en la Avenida 1ra, entre las calles 60 y 64, Varadero y aborda la necesidad de utilizar métodos efectivos para el mejoramiento de los procesos con vista a lograr la alineación de los mismos con las estrategias empresariales. A tal efecto, se implementa el procedimiento propuesto por Nogueira Rivera (2002), la cual se desarrolla para el proceso de Animación seleccionado como clave en la presente investigación y reconocido como de vital importancia para aquellos hoteles que operan bajo la modalidad todo incluido. Se destaca la aplicación de un conjunto de herramientas y métodos que complementa el procedimiento y análisis de la mejora de proceso, entre ellos: análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción, concordancia de Kendall, el método DELPHI, la Tormenta de Ideas, Diagramas As-Is, el Mapa de Procesos, Matriz para la determinación de los procesos claves, Análisis del valor añadido, Diagramas de flujo, análisis DAFO, entrevistas informales, encuestas, redacción y consulta de documentos; así como, la formalización como parte del procedimiento de un conjunto de experiencias surgidas en la aplicación practica y/o como continuidad en el desarrollo de las investigación sobre este tema. Además, se realiza, para la mejora de procesos, la aplicación parcial del procedimiento para la gestión por competencias, y se tributa a dicha mejora con la elaboración de un plan de formación por competencias y la propuesta de indicadores para el control de gestión. Resalta el hecho de que el presente trabajo incursiona en el proceso de animación que a pesar de su reconocida importancia para los hoteles que operan bajo la modalidad de todo incluido, resultan escasos los trabajos al respecto.
- A Aprendizagem De Ondas Sonoras Sob A Ótica De Desafios Em Um Ambiente Virtual Potencialmente SignificativoDiogo, Rodrigo Claudino (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, 2008-02-12)Este trabalho buscou verificar se as tecnologias da informação e comunicação podem ser utilizadas como meios potencialmente significativos para se efetivar a aprendizagem significativa de conceitos introdutórios de Física sobre ondas sonoras. Para alcançar este objetivo foi elaborado um material educacional, sob a forma de um ambiente virtual, em que os conceitos físicos a serem aprendidos foram problematizados na forma de desafios. Estes desafios foram desenvolvidos tendo como base a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel. A metodologia que orientou a realização desta pesquisa foi o delineamento experimental com grupo de controle e só pós-teste. A pesquisa foi realizada com alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, localizada na cidade de Campo Grande. Os dados obtidos foram analisados segundo a teoria da aprendizagem significativa e a epistemologia de Bachelard. As análises revelaram a existência de obstáculos epistemológicos que prejudicaram a aprendizagem de alguns dos conceitos físicos problematizados nos desafios. Além dos aspectos cognitivos, observou-se que o ambiente virtual e a forma de utilização adotada favoreceram a motivação e a satisfação dos alunos para aprender Física e também atenderam às expectativas deles. A pesquisa permitiu verificar que as tecnologias da informação e comunicação são recursos educacionais que facilitam a aprendizagem significativa de conceitos introdutórios sobre ondas sonoras. A partir destes resultados não se pretende, entretanto, advogar a favor do computador como uma estratégia ou mesmo um recurso que possa substituir as aulas expositivas e presenciais. O que se pretende é: evidenciar que o computador - quando devidamente utilizado, pode favorecer a construção do conhecimento pelo aluno; e que, desta maneira deve ser considerado como mais um recurso a ser utilizado pelo professor para favorecer a aprendizagem de seus alunos. This work tried to verify if the information and communication technologies can be used like potential and significant ways to accomplish learning physics basic concepts about sound waves. To get to this objective, I had developed an educational material on form of a virtual environment, in which physics concepts to be learnt were showed like gages. These gages were developed using Ausubel's significant learning theory. The methodology which oriented the realization of this research was the experimental delineation, with control group and post test. This research was realized with medium-level students from a public school of Campo Grande, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The data that has been got were analised according as the significant learning theory and Bachelard's epistemology. The analysis showed the existence of epistemology obstacles, which damaged the learning of some physics concepts showed in the gages. Beyond the cognition aspects, the motivation and satisfaction were analysed, and the results sugested that the virtual environment and the way of use adopted helped the student's motivation and answered their expectatives. This research showed that information and communication technologies are educational resources which help people to learn basic concepts of sound waves. Although the good results, nobody pretends to defend the computer as a strategy or a resource that can substitute the expository and presential lessons. The objective is to evidence that the computer - when correctly used, can help the knowledge construction by the student; and in this way it has to be considered as an one more resource to be used by teachers to help the learning of their students.
- Artificial Intelligence and Law Using Rule Based Expert SystemsEngle, Eric (2005)Uses rule based AI (forward and backward chaining) to model legal decision making by judges.
- Aspectos ecológicos de patrones espaciales de árboles tropicales, caracteres de historia natural y tipo de hábitat en una selva húmeda neotropical (Chajul Chiapas, México)Salinas-Melgoza, Miguel Angel (2002)El análisis de los patrones espaciales de poblaciones de organismos sésiles es una herramienta muy útil en el entendimiento de los procesos que determinan el establecimiento y desarrollo de los individuos en un ambiente dado. El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar como las poblaciones de árboles tropicales se encuentran espacialmente organizadas, y la correlación de tal organización con diferentes atributos de historia de vida (tamaño de la diáspora, síndrome de dispersión de la semilla, estatus sucesional), el tipo de hábitat (terraza aluvial, planicie de inundación, lomerío-bajo y sierra cárstica) y la densidad poblacional. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la selva húmeda de Chajul, Chiapas. En catorce parcelas permanentes de 20 x 250 m (0.5-ha), los individuos con diámetro a la altura del pecho (dap) > 10 cm, representantes de 44 especies y 85 poblaciones, se mapearon a escala. Se usó el Índice de Morisita, un método con área ampliamente usado, para cuantificar el patrón espacial de las poblaciones de estas especies a nivel de cada parcela y empleando tres diferentes escalas de análisis (25 m2, 100 m2, 400 m2).La mayoría (61.6 %) de las poblaciones analizadas mostraron un patrón al azar en las tres escalas de análisis. La frecuencia de poblaciones con patrón agregado fue significativamente mayor en la sierra cárstica donde la heterogeneidad topográfica fue mayor. Por el contrario, en la terraza aluvial se presentó la mayor frecuencia de poblaciones con patrón al azar, siendo este hábitat el topográficamente más homogéneo. Existió una mayor frecuencia de poblaciones agregadas a la escala de 25 m2. Se observó una frecuencia mayor de especies pioneras dentro del grupo de poblaciones agregadas y de no-pioneras dentro del grupo de poblaciones al azar. La diáspora de las especies no pioneras con distribución espacial al azar fue más grande y la de las especies pioneras con distribución agregada fueron las más pequeñas. El Índice de Morisita disminuyó conforme la densidad poblacional aumentó; está tendencia se presentó en las tres escalas de análisis.Con base en los resultados obtenidos, propongo que el arreglo espacial de las poblaciones de árboles en Chajul se encuentra influido por el nivel de variación de factores relacionados con la topografía del terreno, con la calidad del suelo y con el régimen de perturbación del dosel. Al parecer, existen factores dependientes de la densidad (e.g., depredación sensu lato y competencia) que producen un aclareo, y una disminución del grado de agregación, en poblaciones que muestran una fuerte agregación en fases tempranas de desarrollo, particularmente en especies abundantes, de semilla grande y no pioneras.
- Assessing the causes of SMME learner drop-out and attrition in the national rollout of the Productive Capacity Building Programme (PCBP): A Case StudyLegoabe, Reginald Sethole (UCT Graduate School of Business, 2007-09-21)Assessing the causes of SMME learner drop-out and attrition in the national rollout of the Productive Capacity Building Programme (PCBP): A Case StudyThe aim of this evaluative research study is to investigate the causes of learner dropout and attrition within the national rollout of the Productive Capacity Building Programme PCBP of the National Productivity Institute (NPI). This study is undertaken using a case study format with particular interest in the behaviour of adult learners within the context of a learning environment as well as particular interventional measures that could be undertaken by adult educators and facilitators in retaining adult learners within contact training programmes. The research study not only has internal validity in terms of the PCBP training programme operations but also contextual importance for long distance education, e-learning, other modes of learning delivery as well as the larger human resources development (HRD) domain. The ultimate objective is to minimize PCBP training costs resulting from adult learner attrition and the failure to meet training targets. A survey population comprising sixty (x60) small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) learners who attended PCBP training is selected using simple random sampling. The study is undertaken using case study format from a learning practitioner’s perspective. Utilizing a questionnaire instrument and interview method, the survey population is interviewed through a qualitative research method. Historical training statistics as well as post-implementation training statistics resulting from the application of recommendations are stratified and compared. Qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interview and documents are utilized. The study ends with recommendations for business application and the practical effects brought about by the implementation of initial recommendations.An analysis of recommendations indicates that adult learner dropout within the PCBP training programme is minimized through the introduction of adult learning principles within the delivery of the programme.
- Athletic Involvement and Its Effect on the Eating Behaviors of College WomenHanson, Lindsay (Florida State University, 2004-04)The purpose of this study was to investigate athletic participation and the development of disordered eating behaviors in women by comparing collegiate varsity athletes and the general university populations on three variables: disordered eating behaviors, body satisfaction, and self-esteem. Possible differences between athletes who participate in sports in which a lean figure is conducive to success and athletes who participate in sports in which a lean figure is not conducive to success were also investigated. As disordered eating includes many types of behavior, a disordered eating continuum was used to illustrate. Three existing inventories used to measure eating behaviors, body satisfaction, and self-esteem, respectively, were distributed to college women at a Division I university in the southeastern United States.
- Aufbau einer Interferenzlithografie-Anlage zur Herstellung photonischer KristalleMellert, Karolin (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 2002-12)Multiple laser beam interference allows to produce periodic light patterns in the order of the wavelength of light. A simulation program helps to identify different patterns and to investigate the influence of changing parameters such as e.g. the angle of incidence or the polarization. A positive photoresist (Shipley S1805) is used to create two-dimensional metallic photonic crystals by UV interference lithography.